Nabil Profile Photo

Hi, I'm Nabil 👋🏼

Product Manager | Notion Systems Builder
I lead product teams to deliver the best user-centric experiences!
Love designing products and helping the development teams to engineer them.
Here's my quick journey:
Web Developer → Mobile App Developer → Product Designer → Team Lead → Product Manager

Recent Projects

From B2B to B2C. Thrive in setting up and scaling products in their 0 to 1 stage.I have listed some extremely proud work. Click on the below link to take you to the Notion gallery.


I write about my experiences managing cross-domain app development teams and Product design.My articles are the findings and implementation of the process flows that worked for me and my team.

Design & Dev Archive

A resource master for Designers, Developers, Managers & some in-general awesome resources I have found along the way.Click below to take you to the Notion gallery.

Let's Connect.

Anything related to Product or Notion? Hit me up. Would love to connect and help.